OC22 Discussion Zoom Session

Hi all,

Following up on the release of the Open Catalyst 2022 (OC22) dataset last week (more details here), we will be hosting a discussion session on Zoom to provide an overview and clarify any questions regarding the new dataset, its tasks, and its differences from OC20. The Zoom call will be on July 13th, 2022 at 10:00AM-11:00AM PST (1:00PM - 2:00PM EST). The proposed agenda is as follows:

  • 10:00AM - 10:20AM: OC22 paper+dataset overview
  • 10:20AM - 10:40AM: Open discussion + Q&A
  • 10:40AM - 11:00AM: Short hands-on tutorial

If we missed anything or you’d like us to emphasize certain discussions more, please let us know!.

Zoom Link

We hope to see you there!

– Open Catalyst Team

P.S. For those outside the US, we hope to schedule a similar session that may better accommodate your time zones. We’ll share an update when we have that scheduled.


Hi Mr. Shuaibi,

Will the Zoom meeting be recorded? I think that will help give access to those who are located outside the US or otherwise unable to attend. Thank you, please let me know.

Hi -

We don’t plan on recording this session but can consider uploading a more formal recording/overview if that will be useful?
