Data(atomic_numbers=[101], cell=[1, 3, 3], cell_offsets=[4519, 3], distances=[4519], edge_index=[2, 4519], fixed=[101], force=[101, 3], natoms=101, pos=[101, 3], pos_relaxed=[101, 3], sid=662687, tags=[101], y_init=3.6482221950000167, y_relaxed=0.9202578450000374)
Data(pos=[53, 3], cell=[1, 3, 3], atomic_numbers=[53], natoms=53, fixed=[53], tags=[53], nads=1, y_relaxed=-336.38894252, pos_relaxed=[53, 3], sid=33402, id=‘0_20’, oc22=1)
The two data sets contain different attributes. Why is this Wae Ireoni? Or, what are the differences and connections between the two datasets?